Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Calling all reviewers!

Like me, do you, or are you interested in making videos or podcasts as a hobby? Do you want to reach a wider audience and be part of a reviewing community? Well, you've come to the right place, because Geeks of the Round Table is on the search for contributors!

Kinds of content

Simply put, we are looking for people who create video and audio content for the internet. Videos can be in the form of reviews, sketches, or many other formats. We're open to ideas. The target demographic is going to be the general internet-using population, that is to say 20's and 30's, so some suggestions for reviews and podcasts at least could be:
-Video Games
Or a whole host of other things. Granted, a series of reviews on cigars or firearms or Scandinavian mountain bikes probably isn't what we're looking for, but don't feel confined to the list above. If you have an idea that you think the world needs to see, let us know anyway and we'll at least consider it.

On a related note, just because this is a general call for video and audio content, don't feel that anything else will be immediately rejected. If you create artwork, or other forms of media that we simply haven't listed, go ahead and send it in anyway, and we'll make the final call as to whether or not it's what we're looking for.

There are, however, some things that will not be considered. Anything that violates state or federal laws of the United States, such as pirated material, or material that does not fall into fair use/parody clause of United States copywrite will not be tolerated. Pornographic material, or anything otherwise unsuited for the general public will likewise be disregarded. Adult language is permissible in moderation, but we'd ask potential contributors to keep it from getting out of control.


The next obvious question is: what do I get out of being a member of this group? Well, at the risk of bursting your bubble, there will be no monetary compensation. We do this as a hobby and make no money ourselves, and therefore have none to give out. That's not to say there are no benefits, however:

-Shared viewership. People coming to see one blog have a far greater potential to be exposed to the work of all the other contributors, as links to all contributing sites will be added.

-Cross-over opportunities. Doing an episode on a subject that another contributor tackles? Do a crossover! People eat that up.

-A reviewing community. Making connections with other content creators can only benefit someone just starting out, or a practiced hand.

-Members of Geeks of the Round Table are under no obligation to stay with the organization for any longer than they wish. Should a contributor wish to leave for any reason, they are perfectly free to do so at any time, though I would appreciate being informed.

 -Please let me know when you have uploaded content that you wish to submit to the site so that I can schedule it to be posted. 

-Taking part in the semi-weekly GotRT podcast is also entirely optional on a week-by-week basis. In case you haven't figured it out yet, we're pretty relaxed about this stuff.

Qualifications and submitting material

Geeks of the Round Table is based off of several highly successful internet sites with the same goal: such as Escapist Magazine, That Guy With the Glasses, and the affiliates of them. At this time, we are strictly looking for 6-10 reviewers, with ten being the absolute maximum. Any more, and everything becomes muddled up. So how can you get one of these spots? It's actually quite simple. Send a sample of your work or a link to your website or blog to geeksotroundtable@gmail.com

We ask that all applicants be over the age of 18 and speak fluent English (though if you can read this, the latter obviously shouldn't be a problem). Material will be accepted until such time as all the potential spots are filled up.


Geekasaurus Mike
Geeks of the Round Table

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