Saturday, March 9, 2013

Camp Blood (2000) Review - When Bad Movies Attack!

Camp Blood is a film that i picked up a while ago. With its crap acting and poor story, its perfect for a WBMA! When 4 people go away for a weekend to, erm, party? They are met with a pretty shitty villain, a killer that wears a clown mask. Truly, the real face of horror. This film a pretty low budget, so i can't really be too harsh on this. But this was made in the same year as Matrix, so the video quality has no excuse what so ever.

Camp Blood:

Strangely enough, if you Google Camp Blood, it comes up with some questionable site.
I know this episode was pretty long, but i tried to cut out all the bits that weren't any relivence to the movie, without damaging the story (Bahaha, a bit late)
So yeah, enjoy guys. Peace.

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